SDNY Case Watch

For cases on the USDC Southern District of New York watchlist CourtAlert will notify you of Opinions, Decisions, Orders, Judgments and Signed Memos Endorsed.
CourtAlert also provides free/optional reminder alert three days before a scheduled appearance for cases on the watch list. Click Here.
US District Court, Southern District of New York, all locations.Features:
To get alerts for every docket added to a case in SDNY use CourtAlert for PACER.To be alerted of new complaints against specific names, use CourtAlert Business Development.
To assure you receive emails from court on your electronically filed cases, use CourtAlert ECF Assurance.
Search any complaint in SDNY location in Manhattan [] by index number, plaintiff, defendant or Nature of Suit. You can then view the full complaint. This archive contains the complaints since February 2008. For Business Development Subscribers only.