Appellate Division First Department Case Watch

For cases on the Appellate Division First Department ("AD1") watchlist CourtAlert will notify you of decisions and new scheduled appearances.
CourtAlert also provides free optional lists of appeal and motion decisions as well as the next day's judges panel, at no additional charge.
Click here to subscribe.
NYS Appellate Division First Department.Features:
For cases on the Appellate Division First Department ("AD1") watchlist CourtAlert will notify you of- Appeal Decisions (Alert 221) and Motion Decisions (Alert 231)
- Oral Argument Scheduled/Removed/Changed (Alerts 241/242/243)
- Pre-Argument Oral Conference Scheduled (Alert 244)
- Assignment and Adjournment of Term (Alert 240)
Cases are added to the AD1 Watch List using the trial court index number.
Decisions on appeal motion are entered by the court using the names of the parties, not index number. You can enter a number of alternate spelling or name for each parties and all such names will be searched.
CourtAlert will produce a Appeal or Motion Alert even if the decision is left off the decision summary List. CourtAlert does not rely on the decision list, we produce our alerts from the actual decisions.
Update your free/information alerts option setting to start/stop receiving Decision List (CourtAlert 200) or Panel optional alert (CourtAlert 210).