Lis Pendens

Lis Pendens filings are the first indication of a foreclosure filing. The owner still has the property under
his or her control but foreclosure is a strong possibility.
- NYC Department of City Planning Geographic information on the property
- Map of the area
- NYC Finance Department statement on the location
You can also watch by Zip code. CourtAlert 93 will alert you for new Lis Pendense for the specified zip code.
New Lis Pendens in New York County (Manhattan).LIS PENDENS
A pending suit. Jurisdiction, power or control which courts acquire over property in suit pending action and until final judgment. A notice of lis pendens is filed on public records for the purpose of warning all persons that title to certain property is in litigation, and that they may be bound by an adverse judgment.
The alert service gives you a unique opportunity to approach motivated property owners or the Plaintiff's attorney BEFORE the property reaches the auction block. Often this can be accomplished with little cash outlay by taking over an existing mortgage or paying the tax delinquency.
Operational Notes:
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