


    www.CourtAlert.com....revolutionizing case tracking


CourtAlert Welcomes Spring with New Graphics on Alerts

March 19, 2009

Subject: CourtAlert Welcomes Spring with New Graphics on Alerts

Over the past 10 years CourtAlert has monitored a continual growing number of courts and produced more distinct alerts and all the while, the graphics on the alerts have remained unchanged. Today, we are announcing the release of new graphics on alerts.

Traditionally, the content of CourtAlert notices have had a standard layout: court and case identification, client names(s), matter and attorneys are listed on the subject line.

The carefully selected layout of the content of our alerts displays data relevant to the event being reported or more information on the applicable motion or case.

The bottom of the alerts typically contains a link to the case snapshot display on the web site and to an explanation of the content in the alert. Each alert also contains a unique identifier which allows Support@CourtAlert.com to easily answer clients’ questions.

We’ve updated the graphics, but not the layout; the content of the current layout will remain the same. New graphic images, headings, background colors, font sizes and other graphic particulars are improved with the new design of the alerts.

The improved graphics are on the email alerts as well as on the “My Recent Alerts” displays on the website. Also, the new graphics on the alerts will be optimized for use on Blackberry type devices.

I hope all of you will find the new layout, features and graphics appealing and helpful.

“Watch for New Filings” (CourtAlert 45) integrated into Business Development Alerts:

As announced previously CourtAlert 45, a listing per name of new filings in NYS Supreme is withdrawn from production. It has been integrated into Business Development Alerts for a more efficient and feature-full service. <<details>>

I hope you like the new, bright and optimistic layout, and I would appreciate your feedback

We are Committed to Remain the Best!

Thank You,

Izzy Schiller, President



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T. 212.227.0391 F.212.227.3811

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