


    www.CourtAlert.com....revolutionizing case tracking


An announcement from CourtAlert – a new alert service

May 5, 2009

New Alert – Foreclosure Lis Pendens just filed:

Lis Pendens filings are the first indication of a foreclosure filing. The owner still has the property under his or her control but foreclosure is a strong possibility. CourtAlert will now provide you with new Lis Pendens filings quicker and more accurately than any other source.

Within two hours of any foreclosure Lis Pendens filed with NYS Supreme courts in the City of New York we will provide an alert, CourtAlert 90, with the information including Block/Lot and other information on the location. CourtAlert 90 contains the name of the creditor and debtor and few links with useful information on the property:

§         NYC Department of City Planning Geographic information on the property

§         Map of the area

§         NYC Finance Department statement on the location

In Manhattan, for most cases, our reporter will also review the legal complaint, summarize it and will provide additional information, referred to as CourtAlert 91.

The service will be free in May and at a $50 monthly fee thereafter; registration is by email to Support@CourtAlert.com. Please register now, there will be no charge for May.

We are Committed to Remain the Best!

Thank You,

Izzy Schiller, President



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