


    www.CourtAlert.com....revolutionizing case tracking


Business Development Alerts - Appellate Division First and Second Department

November 9, 2009

Additional Information appeals in Appellate Divisions First and Second Departments

CourtAlert has been providing companies with an appellate service for sometime now and we thought some clients might be interested in it for business development or any other reason.

These services do not replace and are not similar to the CourtAlert watch services in these two courts.

Appellate Division First Department:

CourtAlert will provide a PDF image of all Notice of Appeals filed with the county clerk in both New York and Bronx County. CourtAlert 410 (NY) and CourtAlert 420 (Bronx) notices are produced daily.

Perfected appeals, CourtAlert 440 – A weekly alert produced every Friday with PDF pictures of new perfected appeals. For each perfected appeal the following information can be viewed:

1.        The name of the case and when it was filed

2.        A general the top page of one filing

3.        The  names and addresses of the attorney

4.        Which appeal printer services, if any, was utilized.

Appellate Division Second Department:

Pictures of every Notice of Appeal and RADI form as they are filed at the court. This CourtAlert 430 notice is produced daily.

The service is at no charge until December 1st, 2009 for those who request it.

An additional monthly fee of $150 per law firm thereafter. No limit to the number of users who can receive this alert from the same law firm.

To register or to request free service for November, please email Support@CourtAlert.com

We are Committed to Remain the Best!

Thank You,

Izzy Schiller, President



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