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CourtAlert Announcements – Enhanced alerts for Appellate Division First Department, Welcome new employees 

June 1, 2011

New and Enhanced Alerts for Appellate Division First Department

The panel of the Appellate Division First Department (AD1) is no longer available by calling the court. The panel is updated around 3:00 PM on the court calendar display from the AD1 web site. CourtAlert programs are prepared and sensitive to this change and will immediately create the free/optional alert with the panel information for the next business day. This alert also links to the judges' bio and the information will remain on CourtAlert web site.  

There can also be last minute changes to the court calendar re: new appearances are added and some are removed. CourtAlert has programmed these new alerts to accommodate for this change. Today we would like to announce:

CourtAlert 242 – Appearance removed from AD1 calendar

CourtAlert 241 – New Appearance in AD1 calendar. This alert is run when the calendar is first published by AD1 and again one day before the appearance date to report any last-minute additions.

Clients are reminded that Appellate Division First Department cases can now be watched by party name and that multiple alternate names can be specified <<details>>

Welcome new CourtAlert employees

Vipul D. Kakadiya joined our programming staff and will be available at Support@CourtAlert.com. As you recall CourtAlert has requested that all communication with the programming staff will be via Support@CourtAlert.com (or by phone) to facilitate our efficient quality control procedures.

Karishna Khelani joined us as a Marketing and Development Associate and can be reached at info@CourtAlert.com.   

We are Committed to Remain the Best!


Izzy Schiller, President



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